Friday, January 29, 2010

A quick note on finding an agent

I've gotten a lot accomplished in the last 2 days. I got my query finished yesterday and wrote my complete synopsis. I also managed to go through the first few chapters and polish up the writing for those agents who immediately want to see some work. And I've started sending out my queries.

In fact, I'm just taking a quick break to write this blog because it's something I've been thinking about. People who don't understand this process think it shouldn't take any time at all to send queries out. They figure you can mass email them to 20 or 30 agents and it only takes a few seconds. Or that you can just cut and paste over and over again.

Every agent is different, which really should be a no-brainer and I have to wonder why I even made that statement. But because they're all different, they all want different things. Some want just a short query. Some want a short query, a full 2-page synopsis and the first few chapters of your book. Because of this, I'm sitting here going back to each website and double-checking on what they want, then tailoring each email to fit the agent that I'm submitting to.

Sure, it takes a lot of time. But honestly, don't I expect the same from them? Yeah, I expect to get a lot of form rejection letters, but I would hope that each agent (or their assistant) will first be taking the time to read through my query and really consider if they might like to represent me. Becoming a published author takes a lot of time and work, and a lot of people don't realize that actually writing the book is only a small part of that work. Finding an agent; working closely with them to find the proper editor; working on rewrites, rewrites, rewrites; and then, when you THINK your work is done because YAY!!!! SOMEONE WANTS TO PUBLISH MY BOOK!!!!! you still have a lot to do to publicize your book so you can be sure it doesn't end up dying out after its first run.

I've done a lot of research. I've spent years reading agents' blogs and websites, and the numerous books I have on my shelf about becoming a published author, in order to know exactly what I'm getting myself into. But I realize that people who haven't done this research really don't understand all of this. Many of my friends think it all should be easy and don't get that finding an agent can be a full-time job in itself.

Speaking of, I should probably get back to work. *sigh* Got more queries to send out. But I have another blog I want to write later. I'm making myself wait to write that one until I finish my work.